
personal style

Capsule Wardrobe

Jada Pinkett peaches low down dirty shame shopping scene

In a time where we’re bombarded with fashion hauls, trends and the need for new content, consumerism is at an all time high. Many find themselves constantly purchasing pieces to keep up — and despite the volume, they still have nothing to wear when it’s time to go out. Choosing an outfit turns into a challenge filled with tough decisions and anxiety. This is where the capsule wardrobe comes in.

What is a capsule wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a collection of well-curated foundational pieces. The pieces are well made, of high quality and are versatile. The colors and tones are neutral and the silhouettes do not go out of style, lasting year after year. This collection offers countless ways to mix and match a limited amount of garments.

Think of the capsule wardrobe as a foundation for your closet. If you lay a solid foundation of (anything but) basics, you can add accessories and seasonal trends to add pops of personality. It cuts down the volume of your closet and pulls from minimalism.

Benefits of a capsule wardrobe

Clueless movie closet gif
  • Less time spent getting ready (less overwhelming, less anxiety with less options to choose from)

  • Money is stretched longer with investment/high quality pieces

    • buying high quality once a few years > buying cheap quality items a few times a year

    • less shopping throughout the year with versatile pieces

    • no need to purchase a new outfit for every outing or trip

  • Less space/clutter

    • buying 2 high quality white shirts beats having to purchase 10 cheap ones a year

    • less repeats purchased/volume

  • Sustainable - you aren’t hoarding (typically fast fashion) clothes that you will probably wear once or never

Caring for your wardrobe

Caring for your clothing and footwear is just as important as curating and purchasing them. The care labels aren’t just for decoration or for branding and packaging but they guide you on how to make your clothes last longer. Whether it be to dry clean only, do not dry, do not iron or to hand wash, care instructions will allow you to properly handle your garments with care. In some cases storage of your garments are just as important as cleaning them. Depending on the specific garment, a hanger vs folding, temperature controlled storage, special storage products are all the things to consider when storing your wardrobe through the seasons.

Prepping for your capsule collection

There are three main steps in building a capsule collection, I’ll break down each below:

Closet Audit:

First and foremost, see what you’re currently working with. You may not need to just throw everything away and start from scratch, you may have ‘ unintentionally started a mini capsule collection without even knowing. These pieces can stay. Need help deciphering what to keep? — keep reading.

Take a look at your current lifestyle and habits. Many of our daily routines have changed since 2020 with more jobs open to remote and hybrid roles. Do you really need all of these clothes if you’re in the house all week? Do you need all of those business casual outfits if you no longer go into the office? Has your social life calmed down? (let’s get rid of some of those party dresses) Have you worn this piece in the last year or so?

Sort Your Clothing:

Create 3 (or however many you need) separate piles. I prefer to use the Keep, Donate, Trash method. It’s pretty straightforward and leaves less decision-making.

  • Keep: These are high quality items, investment pieces that are well made. They will lay the foundation for building your wardrobe.

  • Donate: These are trendy pieces that are in great condition but you’ll more than likely never wear them again. Pass them along as and allow someone else to enjoy these garments. These are also pieces that are in great condition and no longer fit. This also includes items that you think someone else can upcycle. You can either drop them off to a donation center or give them to a friend.

  • Trash: These are clothes that are at the end of their lifecycle. They may be damaged, old t-shirts from high school, overly washed, poorly cared for, etc.

  • Bonus Sell: If you have the storage capacity to hold these items until they sell, I would encourage making some money from your high-value items. If you do not have the storage space, consider a yard sale or consignment shop.

Plan Your Wardrobe:

To keep you focused, I would advise you to plan out the collection you intend to build. This will keep you on track while shopping for new pieces. Which pieces do you absolutely need? While everyone is different and there are no set rules as to what makes up a personal capsule wardrobe but there are staples that I would suggest as well as things to consider.

Once again, consider your lifestyle and routine. What do you find yourself purchasing consistently or replacing? Are any of the items from your “keep” pile included in this plan already? What are the color stories? Should you lean in to more neutrals? Darker hues? How do you want your clothes to fit? (oversized? tight? loose? well-fitting, comfortable and cozy?) Will you need to get any clothes tailored? Did you plan for special occasions or just day to day?

In addition, do your research on brands that offer the pieces you’re looking for and estimate how much it should cost vs your intended budget. Be mindful that expensive does not always mean quality. If you really want to deep dive, look into clothing manufacturing, the processes at which things are produced and how that translates to value and quality.

Build Your Wardrobe

Here’s the fun part — Now that you’ve developed a plan and a budget, it’s time to start collecting the missing pieces from your “keep” pile. The good thing about this strategy is that because you’ll rely on the keep pile as your foundation, there’s no reason to rush out and go on a shopping spree. This will be a carefully curated collection that you will build out overtime. There’s less stress as you’re looking for these high-quality pieces. To learn more about pieces I would suggest including a capsule wardrobe, stay tuned.